A Planned Occasion by Angie Kim
A Planned Occasion by Angie Kim packs a lifetime into a few pages. Centered around a gift being saved for a special occasion that never comes, A Planned Occasion explores Mina's life and marriage. Kim explores cultural differences, love, marriage, parenting, loss, and grief in this alluring story that revolves around a surprise wedding present that Mina's mother gave her on her wedding day. Saving that present for a special occasion that seems doomed to materialize delves into the importance of celebrating life's little moments as well as exploring how assumptions and intentions can create misunderstandings that never get resolved. I felt Mina's heartache and her husband's pain. I longed for them to take the picnic with each attempt. A Planned Occasion is a sweet, beautiful story about lost opportunity. Check back soon for my thoughts on other books I'm reading including: Positivity: Top Notch Research Reveals the 3-to-1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life by B...