Boycott Divestment Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Oman Barghouti
Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS): The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Oman Barghouti feels far too timely even though it was first published in 2011. With all the work the BDS movement has done and the accomplishments it has made, BDS should feel far more dated than it does. Most of the book is as applicable today as it was the day it was written. Barghouti explains the BDS movement, the goals, the history, the link to South Africa, and some early accomplishments even as he details the pushback and criticism the BDS movement has received ever since its inception. BDS demonstrates why the BDS movement is so important in the fight for Palestinian rights. Barghouti reminds the world that as powerless as we often feel in exacting change, BDS has the power to impact economies and therefore world systems. It is a powerful reminder our choices affect the world. BDS is inspiring for anyone aspiring to get more involved in the BDS movement, whether to embrace boycotts...