The Influential Author: How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books that Matter by Gregory V. Diehl

The Influential Author: How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books that Matter by Gregory V. Diehl holds the potential to change a writer's career path. Diehl walks the writer through getting started as a writer beginning with a history of the use of writing to influence the world or just one's community. I'll admit there were sections of information I already knew, but for someone with less experience/knowledge those sections could be quite useful. I, however, felt tempted to skip them and did find my attention drifting several times. Diehl's use of the books his company publishes as examples of myriad points, while fitting examples for his content, began to feel a bit like ads and induced the occasion eye roll. Diehl covers the entire process of conceiving of an idea to writing a book to editing to publishing to marketing a book. Even though this book is clearly written for less experienced writers, I found a few resources that I might be able to use for future projects and perhaps even to boost my already published books. Overall, The Influential Author is filled with information, some more useful than others, particularly for new writers.

Note: The author provided me with a free copy of The Influential Author with a request for an honest review should I feel so inclined.


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