Cut & Thirst: A Short Story by Margaret Atwood

Cut &Thirst by Margaret Atwood is a short story about a group of friends plotting revenge for another friend's mistreatment years before. As retired women, they've decided it's time to seek this revenge before it's too late and talk about ways to do it ranging from murder to practical jokes over drinks and cheese in ways that leave the reader wondering if they're just fantasizing. As usual Atwood delivers a story that makes the reader think by having nothing be quite as it seems in the beginning. Cut & Thirst leans into the idea that lives change and people change over the course of their lives even though some can very much get stuck in a moment that forever changes them and their life.

Currently Reading:

Iron & Velvet: poetry for hearts breaking and blooming by Stefanie Briar

How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good by Steve Phillips

They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's Fight for Freedom by Ahed Tamimi and Dena Takruri

Time after Time: The Donnelly Cabin Inn Series by Joanne Pence

The Butterfly's Burden by Mahmoud Darwish

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