Creative Knowing: 50 Self-Reflection Questions for Women by Christina Katz

I finally decided to work through Creative Knowing: 50 Self-Reflection Questions for Women by Christina Katz recently. I thought it would make for a nice daily writing exercise, since I'm editing a book right now. I didn't think of it much in terms of "self-reflection" when I started. As I worked through the questions, I had a variety of reactions. You can read about my reaction to the initial set of questions in my blog post, Favorites... Shmavorites. Some questions were easy to answer, others provoked an emotional reaction, still others made me think. Some of the questions made me smile. Others irritated me. Still others inspired me. And then there were those that felt mundane. I felt a resistance rise from time to time as I pondered answering a question. Sometimes that resistance came from my own reluctance to explore the topic. Other times it was because I found the question presumptive when I didn't see how it applied to me. Initially, I was reluctant to even entertain these, but I ended up addressing why they didn't apply to my life. That was also informative.
Creative Knowing contains questions most of us, male or female, have probably contemplated at some point in our lives brought together in one place. I'd recommend Creative Knowing for anyone wanting to dive deeper into their beliefs, idea, and emotions because Katz pushes those buttons well with these questions. 


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