Portland Art Museum (June 12, 2011 Visit)

Portland Art Museum, located at 1219 SW Park Avenue, Portland Oregon, provides a welcoming environment that encourages leisurely touring the exhibits. There's no feeling of being rushed or having one's experience invaded. Security is present but not intrusive.
Currently, there is a special exhibit at the Portland Art Museum, The Allure of the Automobile. The exhibit includes cars such as the Bentley, the Corvett Stingray, the Jaguar Roadster, the Astin Martin, and several others. Each car is displayed to show off the artistry of car design. The cars were all designed and built between the 1930s and the mid-1960s. A few cars create an air of "look but don't touch" while others dare you to give in to your desire and sit in it just a a second. Whether you love cars or just love art, these cars are well worth viewing. They will be on display at the Portland Art Museum until September 11, 2011.
The museum also houses a nice collection of painting, sculptures, photography, and other pieces. Pieces by Monet, Renoir, Ansel Adams, and many other artists are displayed throughout the museum. On particularly disturbing but captivating piece is The Gift by Richard Notkin. The piece is constructed of deliberately random repeating tile structure to create a larger image. Touring the museum will take some time, so plan on spending several hours there or splitting the tour into multiple visits. A leisurely walk through the exhibits will tantalize the senses and stimulate one's own creativity.
The small portion of the Portland Art Museum I toured during my visit has me anxious to return to see more and maybe visit a favorite or two.


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