The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz outlines and explains four agreements or strategies for living a more centered, peaceful life.  The agreements seem simple and practical leaving the reader wondering why they never thought of them before or nodding in agreement.  There are moments though when they seem a bit unrealistic for real life.  Ruiz provides examples that simplify the agreemetns and make them plausible.  There is a bit of the "that sounds nice, but..." feeling that accompanies reading parts of The Four Agreements.  Ruiz explains a different way of looking at each individual's life and dealing with each other than most people will recognize.  At its core, The Four Agreements is about treating one's self and those around one better.  Ruiz has created a well-written, intriguing, easy to understand examination of the facets of Toltec Wisdom that the reader will want to keep on hand for reference when life feels chaotic or just painful.


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