The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism by Raymond Buckland

The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism by Raymond Buckland is exactly what it sounds like. Buckland provides encyclopedic entries on many topics related to witchcraft. He explains the misconceptions and misinformation that exists about witchcraft, wicca, and neo-paganism. Most entries are factual but on occasion, Buckland's opinion makes it into the discussion. The Witch Book is often dry and academic in writing style as one one expect from an encyclopedia. And, at times, since the subject matter overlaps, it reads a bit repetitive. Items of interest are easy to find since the book is arranged alphabetically. If one has an interest in things related to witchcraft, even if only to answer questions raised by books or movies, The Witch Book makes a decent but not all inclusive reference. It is a book better suited to being on the shelf to look things up than for reading cover to cover.


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