Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health edited by Gene Stone


Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health edited by Gene Stone is the companion book to the documentary, Forks Over Knives. After watching the movie on Netflix, I bought the book mainly because it contains 125 recipes. The movie makes several convincing arguments for embracing a plant-based diet including the impact on one's health and the environment. In many ways, the contents of the book simply rehash the documentary without as much detail, but it makes a nice easy reference to keep on one's shelves. The recipes provided come from a variety of sources. I've tried a few of the recipes and am anxious to try several of the others. There's also a Forks Over Knives website with information and a nice selection of recipes including one for chocolate cupcakes that is among the best I've ever tried. I enjoyed the movie and found the book to make a nice companion if for no other reason than it provides a great starting point for starting to eat a tasty, plant-based diet if one so chooses to do so after the movie and the book.


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