Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality by Sarah McBride

Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality by Sarah McBride tempted me to expand my reading time day after day as I read Sarah's story of coming to terms with who she was, her love story with Andy, and her unquenchable thirst for seeking equality and social justice not only for the Transgender Community but for all those who are disenfranchised. Her story made my heart ache for all those people who have resigned themselves to living identities that don't fit just to fit in in the world and to stay safe. McBride immerses the reader in her fears that living as her true self would diminish her possibilities for the career in government that intrigued her as well as her journey as she faced those fears and sought out opportunities to seek change within the government and society as a whole. Her hope for the future inspired me to remain hopeful even when things appear hopeless. Tomorrow Will Be Different is as much a love story as a story of the fights most of us are too privileged to ever notice taking place. McBride's story touched my heart and my mind in ways I didn't quite expect reminding me how important it is to approach life with an open heart and a willingness to seek both understanding and knowledge. Tomorrow Will Be Different touched that place in me that longs for the day when we as a society find a way to truly understand that no matter our differences, we have far more in common than not. Stories like Sarah McBride's gives me hope that she's right... That tomorrow really will be different...


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