Deluge by Charmaine Wilkerson

Deluge by Charmaine Wilkerson is an intense short story told in second person which elicited reactions from me I didn't quite expect. Deluge pulled me in and held on tight giving me a rollercoaster of reactions and even had me urging the characters to resolve their differences and find a way to move forward together. A decision that feels right in the moment leads to unintended consequences including another decision made in a moment that leads to other unintended consequences in this short story about family secrets that cause the main character to question who she is, her own memories, and the life she's lead. The woman in this story questions if her happy life was still happy if it was based on a lie that leaves her questioning her identity right down to her name.

Check back soon for my thoughts on other books I'm reading including:

The Collected Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Do Unto Others: A Friendly Guide to How Animals Live, and How We Can Make Their Lives Better by Tracey Stewart
Golden Hills by Jennifer Weiner
Verseweavers: The Oregon Poetry Association Anthology of Prize-winning Poems Number 27/2022

Reviews will be posted as I finish these books.

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