The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi is a must-read for anyone striving to better understand not only Palestine/Israel/Middle East history but the history of the world. Khalidi dives into the history of settler colonialism, war, antisemitism, anti-Arab sentiment, and the power brokers that make the deals to promote all of the above. The Hundred Years' War on Palestine traces the violence and the failed attempts at peace alongside the excuses for cruelty. He shares his own family's history in Palestine and as refugees including their attempts to negotiate for the Palestinian people over the years. Khalidi holds a large number of historical figures and powerful people accountable for their handling of Palestine using facts and documents that show how the decisions were made without giving any thought to the people who lived in Palestine at the time. It's a fascinating book that comes through modern times ending as indicated with decisions made in 2017 but also referencing a few things that happened after 2017. Khalidi ends the book with some thoughts on possible actions forward after demonstrating why actions in the past have failed. The Hundred Years' War on Palestine illustrates that the truth of history will find its way out of the romanticized versions we like to celebrate proving history is rarely as righteous as we like to think.

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine is the last book I read in 2023, so this is my last book review for 2023. I have quite a few I'm excited about reading and sharing my thoughts about in 2024, so check back then!

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